PITHOS II Sculpture on the wall 174×120cm Stoneware, pigments 1220oC 2020 |
AMPHORA I Sculpture on the wall 180×90×3cm Stoneware 1220oC 2020 |
AMPHORA IIIa Sculpture on the wall 76×67×6cm Stoneware 1220oC 2021 |
AMPHORA IIIb Sculpture on the wall 76×67×6cm Stoneware 1220oC 2021 |
AMPHORA IIIc Sculpture on the wall 76×67×6cm Stoneware 1220oC 2021 |
PROHOUS Sculpture on the wall 350×100×8cm Colored Stoneware 1240oC (part of work) 2018 |
PELLA GEO-METRY Archeological Museum of Pella Gr 2018 |
AMPHORA Sculpture on the wall 135×110cm Black Stoneware 1240oC 2020 |
PITHOS Sculpture on the wall 64×40×3cm Black Stoneware 1240oC 2019 |
VASES Sculpture on the wall 86×41cm black Stoneware 1240oC Exhibition MELANA Hellenic American Union, Athens Gr 2021 |
BUTTERFLY Ceramic Sculpture on the wall, 65×70×3cm Stoneware 1220oC Gallery PUR PUR, Lamia Gr 2019 |
PROHOUS Ceramic Sculpture on the wall 150×100×8cm Stoneware 1220oC Gallery Genesis, Athens Gr 2018 |
PROHOUS Ceramic is … Group Exhibition Gallery Genesis Athens Gr 2018 |
HAPTIC Ceramic Sculpture on the wall 67×30×2cm Stoneware 12200C Biennale Manises Es 2017 |
THERE ARE NO VASES IN GREECE Vase, 35×20×15cm Stoneware 1220oC 2015 |
BUTTERFLY Sculpture 60×40×1,5cm Stoneware 1220oC 2016 |
ΣΥΝ Ceramic Sculpture on the wall, 120×35×2cm Stoneware 1220oC III Prize Hellenic Competition of Ceramic Art Athens Gr 2015 |